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dimanche 1 septembre 2019

Tips For Purchasing A Condensation Sensor

By Ann Reynolds

There is a lot of automation used in many types of equipment used in sensitive environments. One of the modern technology adopted in these apparatuses is the condensation device. It detects the change of air into the water due to a condensation process. Anyone who intends to buy the device should acquaint with a couple of aspects to get the best product in the market. Explained below are a couple of tips for purchasing a condensation sensor to rely on.

Confirm the level of accuracy needed for your operation. The level of accuracy depends on the application of the equipment. For instance, if you want to install the equipment in a highly controlled environment, you have to look for a device with a high RH. Some of the places that require high environmental control include laboratories and hospitals.

Check whether there are any contaminants or chemical needed. Every sensor has its strength and weakness when exposed to certain chemicals. You should take note of potential chemicals that can affect the sensors at the location where one will install the device. Take your time comparing the device manufacturing chart to determine whether the chemicals present in your workplace can affect the device.

Identify a specific kind of sensor that suits you. You can choose between a thermal conductivity device and a resistive device. Each type has different functionality. The resistive type uses an electric charge that results from a conduction change. The thermal conductivity type calculates the difference between dry air and compares with the condensed water and gives the signal.

Take note of power consumption. The power consumption of any device can have a long-lasting effect on your expenses. So, you need to get a device that does not consume a lot of power to reduce your costs. With the modern energy saving technology, there are a lot of useful accessories that one can use out there. The only thing that one should do is identify the specific model that matches such qualification and purchase it.

Acknowledge the calibration used by the device. You will find that there are different calibration used by manufacturers. A lot of tools have maintained a calibration of 3 RH, which is the recommended calibration set by most authorities. However, manufacturers are opting as high as 8 RH to maintain the standards of a digital device. This is to ensure that the device is more accurate compared with other types.

Check the signaling used by the device. A functional sensor should show signals when the level of condensation starts. The signaling can be as simple as a beep, an LED light, or an alarm. Choose a signal that you are sure of taking note as soon it starts signaling. Even so, ensure that the device automatically triggers the equipment to react accordingly despite having the signals.

Assess the dealers at your disposal. There are a lot of considerations that make a vendor reliable. First, check whether the dealer has a variety of devices that you can choose from. Another essential aspect that one should check is the ability of the dealer to sell a product that is custom to your needs. Find a couple of dealers in the market and narrow down on the one that satisfies such expectations.

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